Montefiore Einstein's Transplant Center specializes in making comeback stories. And Paul Rivera's was such that he's something of a legend in his neighborhood. The most natural way to tell a story like that is to tell it how it gets told around the neighborhood. This being a New York story, we enlisted a New York storyteller and his Oscar-winning collaborator to tell it.
As a writer who geeks out over dialogue, I was already a huge fan of Alexander Payne and Paul Giamatti. Seeing them bring this to life is a thrill.
Montefiore Einstein's Transplant Center specializes in making comeback stories. And Paul Rivera's was such that he's something of a legend in his neighborhood. The most natural way to tell a story like that is to tell it how it gets told around the neighborhood. So that’s exactly what we did. This being a New York story, we enlisted a New Yorker storyteller and his Oscar-winning collaborator to tell it.
As a writer who nerds out over dialogue, I was already a huge fan of Alexander Payne and Paul Giamatti. Not going to pretend to be cool here. Seeing them bring this to life is a thrill.